Aya Yamamoto Jane: Giving birth prematurely in Japan, One year of Motherhood and looking towards the future.

It’s been quite a while since I last interviewed my Wife Aya. We’ve been through quite a lot of changes in recent years and we both wanted to have a bit of a cathartic experience in discussing the birth of our Son, Joji. Much like previous Interviews Aya has been kind enough to translate it all into Japanese beneath each piece of text, we hope you enjoy reading it!

Since we last sat down for an interview so much has happened, we’ve moved house, our job situations have changed and we’ve had a child, how would you describe the last year or so in one sentence and why?


A different stage of my life because I became a mother and my priorities changed as did my situation, I quit my job and my life has changed


I will never forget you telling me you’re pregnant. We were planning to see my parents and I was asking what wine you wanted so you had to let me know you wouldn’t be having any alcohol. But how did you feel when you found out?


To be honest I didn’t expect we would be having a child so quickly as some people can try for so long to be a parent and find it difficult but for us it was quite soon so I felt shocked and apprehensive about the long term. I was so happy to know I was having a child but our life in the town we moved to had not really begun yet, we didn’t know the area well and didn’t know anyone so I thought I’d know these things more before having a child.


Our son was due in August 2022 and you wanted to see your family before his birth so we decided to visit in early June, it was cleared by the Dr but knowing that your family was on the other side of the world. How did it feel to see them again?


So many things happened during Covid time, my Grandmother passed away and I couldn’t go to Japan, my Dad had a stroke and I couldn’t be there for my family again. I realised I live very far from my family and didn’t think much about that before these events happened and I also had a sense of guilt. I thought it may be hard to see my family after he is born so I felt relieved that we could meet again.


What was it like to see your family again and could you break down what happened regarding our trip to Japan and the pregnancy?


We had a great flight, I wasn’t tired or anything despite there being added time due to the Ukraine conflict (15hr flight). People I knew were telling me it would be hard to fly to Japan but I never had morning sickness or any issues during the pregnancy. I felt so happy to see my parents again, I remember seeing my dad in person and I thought he looked old, it made me think about how many years it had been since I saw him. I was just relieved to be back in Japan. That evening we had a big Sushi dinner and I felt like I was home again


The next morning our first full day in Japan you began to complain of bad stomach pains?


Yes we both thought I ate too much or had bad fish, It’s recommended you don’t eat raw fish but in Japan we still do a bit if pregnant. I wondered if I was also just tired but something was wrong, I contacted a friend who is a midwife who suggested that due to the intense pain I should go to the local Hospital. As I was waiting to be seen the pain got worse, we were in a small town so I needed to go to the next city by Ambulance as they had the best equipment to help me.


So you and I went to Odawara Hospital which is about a 30 minute drive, I remember thinking I was in a dream because it felt so unreal that it was happening. When we got to the hospital they wheeled you away, what happened next?


Yes they told you to wait in the waiting area, they took me away and a Dr checked me over, eventually they said I have to stay at the hospital until the baby is born which could be until the due date in August, we were on a two week holiday and the Dr told me I will not be leaving the country or anything until the baby is born, worst of all due to covid restrictions I can’t see you or my family until I am discharged. I didn’t know what to do.


I remember being in the waiting room for ages, your mum was on her way still but stuck in traffic, the Dr told me the situation as best they could but infirmed me that the baby was in the breach position and there was a risk if you gave birth elsewhere but also that there is currently a risk to you and the baby which could mean death. I felt so powerless because I had to leave without saying anything to you. I had all your things so there was no way to communicate with you, what was going through your mind at this time?


To be honest I was worried about you, how would you communicate with my parents and what would you do and how was your mental state. I felt guilty, why did I come back to Japan, I made the wrong decision for sure and put the baby at risk. I cannot forgive myself for this. 


It took only a few days for our son to be born, you called me and told me he was coming but the connection dropped, then your Mum was called to attend as they needed family there. We still couldn’t see each other for a week after that but how was this experience for you? 


Before he was born, I was there for 4 days but it felt like forever, I didn’t know what to do, I was mentally exhausted and crying all the time due to my guilt. I didn’t know how long I would be there, potentially two months until the due date. One day the Nurse came up to me as I complained of stomach pain again the previous day, they told me he was coming and they would get ready to do a caesarean section in the next 10 minutes


I couldn’t believe it, I had to process the information and try to call you, I didn’t feel prepared. They were asking me to sign so many documents should something bad happen to me and I couldn’t possibly read them properly due to the rush. They gave me an anesthetic, cut my stomach and then he was here super quickly. I vaguely remember him crying in a really high tone voice, I was relieved he seemed to be ok, the Nurse brought him to my side so I could see him and then took him away in an incubator. Despite the trauma of the situation, I remember how beautiful he was.


As they took him away your Mum arrived at the Hospital and crossed paths with him in the hallway, she immediately knew that was her Grandson and asked if she could take a picture for the rest of us to see, the staff allowed it and took him away but I was so happy she could share that picture with me.


That picture was better than my image of him at the time!


I imagine you’d describe this time as one of the hardest times of your life but despite that did you feel our son and you were in a safe environment?


I couldn’t think about it much as I kept blaming myself for the situation. I felt so guilty and it stunted my happiness a bit, I couldn’t hold him for a long time after he was born I could only visit him and watch him in the incubator, he has so many tubes and wires on him but I couldn’t comfort him. I stayed with him as much as possible but there was little I could do for him.


The other parents in the room with me could hold their baby, cuddle them and everything but for me I felt punished as I couldn’t hold him. 


During this time I felt similar, I couldn’t see him or you and I was happy everyone was ok but it was tough. I remember just going for very long walks around the town and mountains to take my mind off of things but overall, I wanted to be strong for the family. One day your Mum told me we would drop some clothes off for you and we were going to sneak you out of the Hospital to see us in the Car Park which we did. 


That was a silly but great moment.


How long were you and Joji in Hospital for?


I was allowed to leave after two weeks but Joji had to stay for a month and a half.


I was given my Paternity at the time and remained in the country until a week before he could leave as I needed to sort out his passport for the UK etc. We were quite limited in seeing our son while he had to stay in the hospital until he could grow enough and breathe unaided, we were able to visit him each day but could you explain that experience. 


Japan had a strict Covid rule at the time, we could only visit 30 mins a day and only I could see him, then at times they said 1 hour a day with both of us and changed it back again. It was hard to keep up with the rules and initially we drove there together and you would stay in the waiting room. I remember they gave us an exception around 3 and a half weeks after his birth where you could see him with me, it was sad you had to wait so long to see your son.


I do want to say it wasn’t the staffs fault they listened to our concerns and helped us a lot, even when eventually I’d drive to the hospital alone and see my son, they really tried to help me even with a language barrier. I’m glad I got to see him without all the tubes and wires and hold him, thinking back to how small he was and how big and strong he is now, what are your thoughts on his progress?


When I see him now I think that all our hardship was worth it, he’s so happy and such a character now with no issues at all, he loves eating and playing. Nobody would know he was premature if we didn’t tell them.


As he wasn’t born in the UK I had to either sort out a Visa for him or get his passport sorted, so we decided after a month I should go back to England and arrange these things which could be delayed due to Covid. I was gone for around 4 months and I can only describe the time I had away from you both as isolating and sad, but it ultimately made us stronger, we always seem to have some challenge in our lives but we overcome it together eventually. How did it feel to you when you knew you couldn’t come home with our son and we had to be apart for a while.


I was sad that we couldn’t be a family properly but he was safe, I was safe. My parents said congratulations to me when he came out of hospital and I realised I should be happier. Night time was always the hardest time because I worried he’d have breathing issues again and you couldn’t be here to help me. There was also a big time difference so we could never speak much.


I think the time we spent in Japan either together or apart was both the worst and best time of my life, I wonder if you felt similar to me? We had to be apart but at the same time your family were so supportive, people could not do enough for us, even local people in the area. Your extended family like your Uncles, Aunts and Cousins provided so many things for us for nothing other than the fact you were family and you needed help. That will always stand out to me and it’s something I’ll feel like I could never fully repay them for.


I felt the same, I hadn’t lived in Japan for almost 10 years so I couldn’t do anything for my relatives but they helped me so much, I cannot thank them enough.


As sad as I was that you and our son had to stay around 4 more months in Japan. I was happy your family could spend more time with you both and see their first grandchild, how do you feel about the distance between the countries, how will you ensure our son continues to have links to Japan.


He was born there and he is half Japanese so I want him to feel like he belongs both there and in the UK, I want to take him as much as possible which is not easy, even if not if the family could meet somewhere I want him to spend time with them like we did in Malaysia.


I could return to Japan finally after 4 months, it felt odd that I’d skipped months of his life but we were finally able to do things as a family. I was back in Japan for almost 2 weeks and then we’d get him to the UK to adjust before I went back to work again. I think the time we spent in Japan as a family are some of my favourite moments, road trips, seeing Mount Fuji with you both, Going to Hokkaido and meeting more of your family. How did you feel once we were all back together?


I felt relieved in a way because I got him to be ok until you saw him again, I protected him alone and looked after him I did it all without your support but now I had you back. I also had an amazing time with you in Japan, it was like we were never apart from each other, finally we could be a family again.


When you knew you’d be coming back to the UK were you apprehensive and why?


I didn’t feel too bad because he was meant to be born here but I did have the realisation that the support in the UK was less, especially when you went back to work. 


Now that you’ve been a parent for a year, what do you find the most challenging aspect?


I think it’s finding your own way to be a parent, there is no rulebook you just have to adapt.


What’s the most rewarding part of being a parent for you?


Every single day he is different, he has little victories and advances in what he can do. One day he can suddenly crawl, another he can turn the page of a book himself.


I think we both feel we’d like another child despite how tough it can be but I think what holds us back is the financial side and space, would you agree? Do you think the UK has enough support for parents? 


In the UK these days it seems just not financially a good idea to have even one child sometimes because costs are just rising like crazy, also if you send your child to nursery then one of the parents has lost their salary anyway, I remember colleagues saying when you become a parent all your money is gone. I think the UK is more child friendly than perhaps Japan is though, so many activities for kids, people are really accommodating and helpful if you have a kid.


Did you find it difficult to make friends in this country as a parent?


I tried to make friends in the local area through the app Peanut or Japanese friends who were Mothers in local groups but they are more located in London, I think I have a good network of friends now who have children of a similar age. I’m happy I can have him grow up with Japanese friends too hopefully!


I get lots of questions as I am sure you do about how we mix our cultures together when raising our child, are you conscious about imparting some of your culture onto our son and how do you do that? 


When we joined a parenting class before he was born we were advised that if we speak different languages you should speak your main language to the child in order for them to learn. So I only speak Japanese to him, I read Japanese kids books to him and play him Japanese nursery rhymes for him too. I also try to cook him Japanese food as much as I can, he loves Onigiri for example. 


Do you feel it’s easy to find activities and kids groups in the UK?


Yeah I think it’s quite easy, our son is in a Sensory class and also Swimming lessons already which he enjoys, I don’t believe it’s this is in Japan and I really like this aspect of the UK.


You had to make a difficult decision not to return to work, what was that like having to make that choice, was there a particular factor?


After Brexit I feel industries struggled to get workers and staff so a lot of companies are trying to focus on full time staff, as I wanted to be part time or more limited in my time I think it was hard for them to have me continue working for them which was a shame. Also the job required shift work and I think my relationship with my child may suffer if I’m working super early or super late all the time. Lastly I think if I’m not around his Japanese language abilities will lessen.


By the time this comes out he’ll be a year old, for me It has gone so quick but it’s great to see this tiny guy morph into this little person with so much character and joy in him. How do you feel knowing he’s reached a year already? 


Now that I’ve done this interview, I reflected on the difficulties we had but I’ve just blinked and my son is already one year old, he is such a funny little person and advancing all the time, becoming so independent so I don’t feel any negativity I’m just so happy with how far he has come.


In the Year he’s been with us he’s been to 4 different countries and on countless flights, I always thought our travel bug would suffer slightly with a child but it seems it’s not that difficult to travel with him, he’s quite international so what are your thoughts and do you have any tips traveling with a child?


Don’t be so nervous like you were with him, don’t give up on your joy of travel just adapt. So many people were helpful on our flights from the staff to the other passengers. Nobody ever seemed bothered by him! 


Do you have any particular stand out moments with our son in the last year, I’m sure there are many but could you pick one for a particular reason?


When we were reunited as a family when you came back to Japan.


Do you have any hopes for your Son’s future?


Compared to us he may feel the world is not so big because he’s been to 4 different countries already, he has a lot of potential and opportunities to experience so many things. I want him to challenge himself and enjoy his life as much as possible, I don’t want him to give up or limit himself.


What’s your message to him if he were reading this in the future?


Enjoy your life, life is beautiful and short so don’t waste a moment. Remember you are loved by so many people and whatever your dream is never stop trying to achieve it.


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